Table of Contents
- How to setup the Dialup components
- How to connect to the Internet.
- Troublshooting
- Email Setup
- For Further Assistance
How to setup the Dialup components
- 1. Click on the Apple Menu when not in
classic mode
- 2. Open your System Preferences, and select
"Network" under the "Internet & Network"
- section.
- 3. Select your modem in the "Show" pop-up.
Usually, this will just be "Internal Modem". If more than
one modem is listed, choose the one you'll actually be using.
Mac OS X v10.5 or later: From the Configuration pop-up menu, choose Add Configuration.
Mac OS X 10.4.x or earlier: Click the PPP tab.,
enter the following:
- Type in Blacksburg.Net
as the service provider.
Enter the appropriate phone number
local to your location:
Blacksburg 808-4450 & 808-4494
Narrows 726-5017 & 5000
Narrows 726-6015 & 6025
Narrows 726-6025
Pearisburg 922-3067 & 3043
Pulaski 440-5017
Pulaski 994-7015 & 7025
Radford 831-8016 & 8025
Then click "Next".
If you want to disable
call-waiting, add *70,
to the front of the phone number.
- In the "Account field" Type in your username directly followed
by xa, For example, (The
username is in
all lower case.)
- Enter your password. (The password is case
- Click on the TCP/IP tab.
Note: The username and passwd were provided at signup
- Click Apply Now
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How to connect to the Internet.
From the telephone
icon in the menu bar at the top of your screen
you can select "Connect" The dialup window
should look similiar to the picture. To connect to the internet with
your modem, click Connect. A connection can always be made by
clicking the phone icon at the top right.
Disconnecting from the Internet
- Open the Internet Connect utility if it is not
already open in the background.
- Click the Disconnect button. This should hang up
your modem.
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If you cannot connect and you are certain of
your username and password,
here are some frequent problems:
- The username is not in all lowercase, For Example:
- User is outside the (540) area code. In this case, you
must add the area code (540) to the telephone number.
- Click on the pull
down menu next to
"Show:" and select show all connections.
- Make sure that only
the internal modem is selected and then change show to internal
- The modem may need to be changed to the nifty
driver version. To do this:
- Click on the phone icon, followed by Internet
Connections... and then Edit
- Select the Modem tab
- Click on the Modem: menu and select
the same modem except with the word Nifty.
You can use Mac Email, Outlook Express, or Eudora for
Mail Server information for Blacksburg.Net: Incoming (or Pop or Pop3 )
server is The outgoing or smtp server is
Mac Email
- Look for the postage stamp icon or use the finder to find
Mac Email.
- When you're in the program, click Preferences.
- Click Accounts, create account and put in all the relevant
information. Incoming or Pop mail server is
V. For Further Assistance?
For assistance please contact 540-961-4445
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