Go to Control Panel (double-click My Computer, then select
Control Panel), and and double-click the Install/Remove Programs
icon, then click on the Windows Setup tab.
Scroll through the list until you see Communications, and highlight
it as shown :
Click the Details button,
and check the box for Dial-Up Networking:
Once you click OK, Windows may prompt you for your installation diskettes/CD-ROM. Dial-Up Networking will then be installed, and a new folder added to your Control Panel folder. Ignore this folder for now.
Double-click this icon to open the Dial-Up Networking panel, which looks
like the following:
Double-click the "Make New Connection" icon to start the New Connection
A new panel will appear, asking for a name for the computer you are
dialing ( use Blackburg.Net).
If you have more than 1 modem you will be prompted to select which
modem to use . If no modems are listed, configure your modem.
Once you have the name and modem selected, click Next.
You'll now see:
Enter the appropriate phone number
local to your location:
Blacksburg 808-4450 & 808-4494
Narrows 726-5017 & 5000
Narrows 726-6015 & 6025
Narrows 726-6025
Pearisburg 922-3067 & 3043
Pulaski 440-5017
Pulaski 994-7015 & 7025
Radford 831-8016 & 8025
Then click "Next".
The you will see:
Click Finish to complete the Wizard. Now, within the Dial-Up Networking window, you should see:
no further configuration is needed - you can now go on to Logging in
to Blacksburg.Net.
Logging In to Blacksburg.Net
Blacksburg.Net uses the PAP protocol to automatically authenticate and log in users.
If you are not already in the Dial-Up Networking folder, then double-click My Computer and then double-click Dial-Up Networking. Select the Blackburg.Net icon and double-click it.
You'll be presented with the following panel:
Enter the User name that Blacksburg.Net assigned to you, and the password. Click "Connect" and you'll see the following:
Once the modem dials and connects, you should be automatically authenticated with the ID and password you entered earlier. A small icon that looks like two computers with blinking screens will then appear in the taskbar systray usually located in the lower right hand corner of the sceen
Once that icon appears, you are connected and can begin using any standard Internet programs, such as a web browser, email program, or other programs.
To disconnect, right-click on that small icon and select "Disconnect".