COPE HomePage
COPE (540)626-3623, email:

Giles County hires lawyer!

Does Southwest Virginia NEED a 765kV Power Line
Costing a Half a Billion Dollars?

Wake up Giles and Montgomery Counties!
AEP wants to put a giant power line here!

Write letters!

COPE Calendar of Meetings for 1999

COPE needs your cash contributions more than ever.  We cannot stop this line without sufficient resources.  We need active members and a lot of money.  Please help.  If each household on our membership list could donate $100 we would be well on our way to waging a successful campaign before the SCC.  If you have previously donated, thank you.  We appreciate your contribution, but we need your ongoing support because this is an ongoing battle.  If you cannot donate $100 or more now, please pledge to send whatever amount you can on a monthly basis.  Just let us know of your pledge with your first check.  No contribution is too small.  But please send your check now.  We need to be ready to fight the corporate giant. You can mail your check to:

FORCE "Friends of Regional Culture and Environment"

Questions or Comments? EMAIL US!

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